Regular Council Meeting
June 25, 2019
Council Recognized Departing CAO Jim Zaffino
Council publically thanked Chief Administrative Officer Jim Zaffino for more than 11 years of hard work and dedication to the City of West Kelowna. Mr. Zaffino became West Kelowna’s first Chief Financial Officer on February 25, 2008. Council promoted him to CAO March 12, 2014. His expertise in finance and management earned him the 2011 Professional Service Award for Leadership from his peers at the Local Government Management Association of BC. Mr. Zaffino has worked in local government for more than four decades.
Development Permit Issued for 1975 Shannon Lake Road
Council approved a development permit for 97 units in 13 buildings at 1975 Shannon Lake Road. Council also approved a variance in the maximum allowable building heights from 9.0 to 9.3 meters and three stories for nine of the buildings. A variance from 9.0 to 11.4 meters and four storeys was approved for two other buildings to accommodate access to rooftop decks. A variance from 9.0 to 11.5 meters and four storeys was given for the final two buildings.
Development Permit Issued for 3746 Wetton Road
Council approved a development permit for 18 townhouse units in three buildings at 3746 Wetton Road. Council permitted a reduction in the number of parking spaces from 40 to 37. Council approved a variance in maximum allowable height from 9.0 meters and three storeys to 14.0 m and five storeys for one building and 9.0 m and three storeys to 10.9 m and four storeys for the other two buildings. Council also allowed a variance in the rear lot boundary setback from 7.5 to 4.5 meters and required a no build/no disturb covenant be registered for protection of the Smith Creek riparian corridor. The developer had scaled down the proposal from 24 units because of the parking demand required for the additional units.
Development Permit Issued for 2200 Majoros Road
Council approved a development permit for three, four-storey apartment buildings containing 186 units with surface and underground parking and an attached community amenity building at 2200 Majoros Road. Council also approved a variance to permit the required loading space to decrease from seven spaces to three and to allow a reduction in amenity space size from 4,105 square meters to 3,708 square meters.
Subdivision Rezoning Proposed at 3040 and 3050 Boucherie Road
Council gave first and second readings to a Zoning Bylaw Amendment at 3040 and 3050 Boucherie Road. The amendment proposes that zoning change from Large Parcel Single Detached Residential to Single Family Residential to permit an eight-lot subdivision. Staff will next schedule the rezoning proposal for a future public hearing.
Non-medical Retail Sales of Cannabis Process Update
Council gave third reading to five Zoning Bylaw Amendments for non-medical retail cannabis shops at 1192 and 1194 Industrial Road, 1812 Byland Road, 3710 Hoskins Road and 2528 Main Street. The City will next refer the applications to the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval and staff will schedule the bylaws for consideration of adoption at a future meeting.
OCP and Zoning Amendment Approvals for Casa Palmero Drive
Council adopted Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments to accommodate a nine-lot single-family subdivision and one multi-family lot along an extension of Casa Palmero Drive. The amendments have adjusted the OCP land use designation and zoning boundaries for the existing Single Detached Residential Zone and enlarged the Low Density Multiple Family Residential Zone.
Health and Social Housing Initiatives Update
The General Manager of Development Services provided Council with an update of staff’s progress in addressing emerging social issues and affordable housing needs in the City of West Kelowna. Council’s 2019 Strategic Priorities call for the city to:
- Work with the Province of British Columbia and other agencies to improve access to supportive housing and social services for people experiencing homelessness;
- Create a Westside Homelessness Strategy;
- Advocate for health and social services for the community on the Westside; and,
- Lobby for an urgent care centre somewhere in West Kelowna.
For more information visit
Bylaw Enforcement Offices Move into Westbank Centre
Council approved the relocation of Bylaw Enforcement Services from a portable adjacent to City Hall at 2760 Cameron Road to Westbank Lions Community Centre at 2466 Main Street. The City will transfer six bylaw staff to the new location. The Red Cross Medical Equipment Rental Services currently uses the space. It will relocate to Drought Road. Council agreed to increase the annual Grant in Aid to the Red Cross to cover additional leasing costs at the Drought Road location, which is $4,100 more than the current $12,900 annual lease at Westbank Lions Community Centre.
Road Maintenance Policies Considered
Council provided direction to Engineering and Public Works staff on important criteria to include in tendering a new roads maintenance and drainage contract. Staff is on track to issue a request for proposals in September or October and award a new contract in December to begin in spring 2020 when the current contract expires. Council indicated to staff that road maintenance is a core infrastructure service and wished to see no reduction in service levels. Council also asked to see a list of additional options and related costs for potential increased service levels. Staff cautioned that any increase over and above the current level of service could result in tax increases.
Annual Statement of Financial Information Released
The City of West Kelowna is required statutorily under British Columbia’s Finance Information Act to release a statement by June 30 outlining Mayor and Council remuneration and expenditures for the previous year. The report also shows staff remuneration and expenses over $75,000 and lists suppliers paid more than $25,000 for goods and services. The report indicates that city staff remuneration and expenses increased $313,468 or 3.18% between 2017 and 2018. Residents can find the full report online at
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City of West Kelowna
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